Saturday, November 1, 2014

More Recaps

Holy cow, what a roller coaster! I'd like to start by saying that I have been so lucky and blessed in this venture. Once I found a NL, I was sent to a NS and scheduled for surgery then went in and out. So it's been pretty quick. Well now I'm post-op and it's a new experience for me. I've never had anything more than a cold to recover from. So it started with the hospital and sleeping great from some awesome meds. I had visitors Saturday-my two cousins came to visit with an awesome hospital necessity kit!! They brought real toilet paper, puffs tissues, some chocolate, word search books and pens, chapsticks, etc. It was great!! Then there was the hard part of managing the pain before it becomes unbearable. Figuring out what you can do (which isn't much.) Now my stitches are healing and oh my how they itch. I also have 3 little scabs around my scalp from the stabilizer... And I am totally a picker, but I'm doing great leaving my incision alone. My mom stayed with me for the first week. It was nice and I think hubby liked having someone to help and calm his nerves. She went home for the weekend. Hubs didn't sleep well last night because I was coughing a good bit and he was just worried being alone with me. I've slept most of the day and been rather depressed. It's been one week and one day since my surgery (which really is a big ordeal.) With the exception of my wonderful cousins at the hospital and a card from my grandma, I haven't had any visitors. I feel selfish and stupid for even being upset about it. I was just at least hoping to see some people to keep me busy or have some cards to lift my spirits... :( Hopefully a good nights sleep in the recliners will help. I'm also worried about running out of pain meds because tylenol and ibuprofen helps a little, but it still hurts. My discharge papers say that the surgeons don't refill pain meds and we have to see our family doctors. I couldn't get in to see mine for another week (to also remove the stitches.) I'm hoping they will last that long or she will call some in for me until I can see her. Of course the hubs is worried about me getting addicted, but he's a drug rehab counselor, so it's kind of cute. Today I was trying to wean down from 2 tabs every 10 hours to just one in the morning and one at night. I finally caved and took two this evening. The change in my pain level (6 to a 0) and mood were huge. Hubs said that I acted like I was high, but he was so happy I was laughing.
Anatomically speaking, everything is going great. My incision is healing great. I still can't sleep in bed, but I've figured out the recliner sleeping positions. The pain is usually bearable but the meds help 100%.
***TMI-Stop Reading if You Want!***
The only negative experience is that despite regular medications, extra powders, etc. I am hugely constipated! I haven't had a “movement” in 9 days. I finally opted for suppositories today and had a little bit of one but holy cow!! May have to call the doc about that one... Any suggestions? I've been on Dulcolax, Senna Lax, Mirilax, suppositories, so many vegetables and fruits! I'm still not nauseated or sick to my stomach, but I've eaten small meals three times a day for 9 days! I know there is stuff in there!!!!

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