Tuesday, November 11, 2014


It doesn't feel like a Tuesday night. In fact, I don't know what it feels like. My days are all a mess. The time change hasn't helped either. Over the weekend, I visited my home town and went to a craft show. I made about fifty bucks. I got my stitches out Friday, then we set up. We got up early Saturday to finish setting up. After it was over, we loaded up, went home, and napped. Sunday was church, nap, dinner, bed. Monday was sleep until eleven, visit with grandma, nap, ride home, bed. Today was out for lunch, shop for a few groceries and toiletries, nap, lay around, doze.
I have realized that as the pain subsides, the exhaustion won't be as quick to leave. I have about a two hour “outing” window before I am completely exhausted. Even when I'm not sleeping, I have very little energy. My appetite hasn't come back fully yet. I'm eating regularly, just about half the quantity of what I'm used to eating. I have a horrible dry mouth, most likely from the medications.
My incision is almost completely healed on the outside, which is great! It still feels funny to me and it probably will for a while. I've been trying hair styles other than “Pippie Long-stockings” as hubby calls my pigtail braids. I just can't do any kind of low pony tail because when sitting, it presses into the site. I can do higher ponytails but only for a while because it feels pulling. Pigtails is still the most comfortable! I'm going to have to get my glasses adjusted. I think it's bizarre, but apparently where they have had to fold the skin for the site, my ear is slightly further back so now the stem of my glasses are digging into my ear. Weird!!!
I finally slept in bed for the first time last night! Well, most of the night! I slept there from like eleven last night until like eight this morning before I got too stiff and went to the chair. A huge help has been an older heating pad that doesn't have a timer so that I can leave it on low all night long so I stay a little loose.
I am down to just one muscle relaxer morning and night. And only four Tramadol all day. I'm still taking a slew of stool softeners (I know, TMI) but it's a lot better than having to go, but having to push! I did sneeze once and I didn't hurt myself! I was worried about that!
I go back for my post-op appointment in two weeks from today! It feels like it has gone so quickly! I think that is a positive thing though. I am worried about getting back to work, but I've still got two weeks to think about that! :D I am excited about what this has done for me. I know I haven't discovered the extent of the relief yet, but I'm positive! I went for a walk down the road today and didn't get the headaches. I've stretched a couple times and paused after waiting for the sharpness, but it never came! I've jumped up quickly for the bathroom (see above) and didn't get the sharpness. I also haven't had a migraine in two weeks! YAY!
Have to keep myself slow and steady. Going to relax and enjoy it now... Or try! Naps as often as needed. 

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