Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Steam Rolling to The Next Chapter

The next chapter of this lady's life is very quickly approaching. I am so excited. Of course I am nervous, but not about the surgery so much as everything else. I'm nervous about the recovery and how much/little I will be able and feel like doing. I'm nervous I will get all jittery from pain meds (like I do most meds.) I'm nervous about the loss of income for a whole month. It's these things that are nagging, but I also KNOW that God will provide for us just as he always has. I also know that these are the things that are meant to bring me down because I am so content and certain of His hand in the surgery itself. I am so ready to find out the time of the surgery Thursday so that I can begin preparing.

Several have asked what the surgery actually is. I have Chiari Malformation. It is diagnosed by low-lying cerebellar tonsils. It normally doesn't require anything more than monitoring of symptoms. In my case, it causes a decrease of spinal fluid flow out of my brain. When I strain, the flow is completely blocked causing crazy pain and then in turn, slow loss of motor skills, memory, coordination, balance, etc. Eventually the symptoms would mimic MS and Parkinson's disease.

In order to correct the decreased flow of spinal fluid, the surgeon recommended “Posterior Fossa Decompression” surgery. After being sedated with general anesthesia, I will be placed on my stomach and have stabilizing rods placed around my head. They will make approximately a 3” incision in the back of my head around the area of my hairline. They will then move the muscle by pushing it away instead of cutting through it. Then they remove a small 1”x1” piece of the skull bone. This will expose the sac surrounding the cerebellum. They will make an incision in this sac and place a skin patch over it. This will allow for more room for the cerebellum and the CSF flow. Then they place a titanium mesh patch over it in place of the skull bone and stitch it all up.

The recovery is mainly limiting activity to allow time for the stitches to heal and prevent CSF leakage. Then it is regaining the muscular function after they stretched it for the surgery.

I am so excited at the idea of laughing again. Don't get me wrong, I still laugh on occasion now, but it's not a “REAL” laugh. I can't laugh until my sides hurt or I'm out of breath. I really just chuckle. I want to LAUGH again-like we did when we were 13 and playing “steam roller” in a water bed, or having “mud” fights and getting hosed off, THAT kind of laughing! I know most of these are more insider things, but everyone knows what it's like to just laugh hysterically until your face and belly hurt. I can chuckle a little but I have to stop before I get the crazy pains from no CSF flow. I think that's what I'm looking forward to the absolute most.

I am thrilled to move on to a new chapter of my life. I know that God has great things in store for me and I am ready to hit the ground running. I know that He will guide my steps and have everything ready and waiting for me to get there. So I would definitely appreciate prayers including for patience, strength for myself and my family/friends during the procedure, knowledge and surety of the surgeon and care staff, quick healing during the recovery and as always, that I will have all the tools needed to follow His will, not my own. I love y'all and thanks for all your support!

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